These are issues that politicians always beat to death but nothing ever gets done about them. Feel free to add to my list. Because this is getting so long, I will expand on some of these later. If you want to add to my list, go right ahead.

1. Abortion
Abortion is the most polarizing issue I've ever seen where everyone pretty much agrees on the same thing. The Liberals use it to champion women's rights and freedom of choice. The Conservatives use it to defend the right to life and think getting rid of it completely will save all those babies from purgatory.

The Liberals don't realize that although early women's rights activists supported birth control, they were, for the most part, completely opposed to abortion. These women included Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sarah Norton, and Alice Paul. If you ask Neoliberal Feminists about that, they'll just pretend you don't exist.

The Conservatives are so stubborn that they won't vote for anyone who holds what they consider to be too "Liberal" or "Ungodly" views on the issue. How those two words are synonymous I will never understand, but it certainly doesn't justify slaughtering abortion doctors in the name of God.

Here, the words you use to describe your stance on the issue mean everything, because everyone essentially has the same stance on abortion:
While birth control should be kept legal, there should be limits placed on abortion. Abortion should be used as a last resort, such as in the case of the mother's health. Abortions after the first trimester should not be legal.

2. Gay Marriage
The Liberals want to embrace homosexuality and give special affirmative action privileges to gays. The Conservatives want to shove God down their queer throats. I only have two things to say about that: Jim McGreevey and Larry Craig.

If you're gay and you're reading this, I want you to know that I don't support you. However, you have certain rights as an American that I will never try to take away from you. Those rights include civil unions, adoptions, and the ability to do whatever you want in bed. I won't think less of you just because of your sexual orientation.

We will not have a Constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Ever. It's not going to happen.

3. Stem Cell Research
This issue shouldn't even be on the table anymore. Umbilical cord cells work just as well and there are millions of embryos frozen in jars in fertility clinics all over the world. You can't just throw the embryos out.

The bigger issue is the idea of designer babies. Stop talking about stem cells.

4. Iraq War
Don't even get me started.

5. Media Bias
It's real and it happens. "Fair and Balanced" is a myth. Instead of finger pointing, the politicians should thank the media for making their campaigning easy. Instead of making speeches that have any substance whatsoever, the politicians can just portray themselves as good Christians or family men, thereby ensuring their victory.

6. The Democratic Party Nomination for President of the United States
Bipolarization within the bipolarization of America. Get some Aspirin.

7. Border Security
The fence that nobody wants to build to keep out an essential part of the almighty establishment.

8. Illegal Immigration
We should be encouraging legal immigration while putting more restrictions on illegal immigration. The exact opposite has been happening for years and that trend will continue.

9. 9/11
Again, don't get me started.

10. Healthcare Reform
I don't see this happening any time soon. The current system exists because everyone benefits from it, including the unlucky sick people who lost everything.

11. Social Security
Stop trying to save it. Our generation won't see the benefits no matter what you do.

12. Global Warming
Yes, it's happening. Yes, it's a serious problem. However, global warming isn't the only kind of pollution. In fact, global warming isn't even pollution. Other things like the huge smog cloud stagnant over Mexico City and the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico caused by overfertilization are a much bigger threat to the world's well-being.

13. Starving Children in Africa, Eastern Europe, etc.
Honestly, do you really care about these kids? If you did, you wouldn't be eating at a buffet on a luxury cruise ship to Aruba. Stop pretending to care, because we all know you don't.

14. Political Correctness
The only reason this is even an issue is because Liberals are trying to please everybody. In doing so, they're just pissing more people off and paving the way for unnecessary discrimination lawsuits (as if there aren't enough already). You can't please everyone. Christmas is a national holiday. Christmas is a Christian holiday. It's "Christmas." It's not "Holiday." Santa Claus is a Christian religious icon. Most of us non-Christians understand that. We don't care. Have your own stupid holiday.

This is unarguably the most preventable pandemic on Earth. There really is no point in wasting your resources trying to stop it. If people share needles and have sex with complete strangers, that's their own fault. We shouldn't be helping them. HIV will stop being a problem the day when people learn to practice safe sex. I firmly believe that HIV is God's punishment for you being a hypocrite.

16. Child Pornography
A couple years ago, a 15 year old girl got arrested and sent to jail for emailing a naked picture of herself to some guy she met in a chat room (who turned out to be a decoy). She was charged with child sexual abuse and possession of child pornography. Parents routinely get sent to jail for taking naked pictures of their kids doing sexually insignificant things like taking a bath. More about that later.

17. The Liberal Media
exists, but not to the extent that the FOX pundits will tell you that it exists. The major media conglomerates NBC Universal, AOL Time Warner, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., Disney/ABC, and Viacom all have an inherent bias towards the Neocons. The journalists are usually Liberal, but they're getting laid off at record high rates. More about that later.

I'll add more to the list if I feel like it.