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R.I.P. Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007)

This is from the Wikipedia article...

The assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the former two-time Prime Minister of Pakistan (1988-90; 1993-96) and, at the time of her death, leader of the opposition Pakistan People's Party, occurred on 27 December 2007. As she was leaving a rally in the Liaquat National Bagh in Rawalpindi, Bhutto was shot in the neck and chest by an assassin who then detonated a suicide bomb. She was campaigning ahead of elections due in January 2008. She was declared dead at 18:16 local time (13:16 GMT), en route to Rawalpindi General Hospital. At least 21 people were confirmed dead in the aftermath; other conflicting reports indicate 22 bodies found at the scene. Two months earlier, shortly after her return from exile, she survived a similar attempt on her life that killed over 136 people.


To make matters worse, the Bush Administration is encouraging this kind of behavior by siding WITH Musharraf. Despite what people say, Musharraf is just taking orders from the U.S. government. It's not like he has any choice in the matter. Why else would Pakistan be allowed to own weapons of mass destruction? Who gave them the weapons?

So what's next for Pakistan? What's next for the world, for that matter? We all know Musharraf is just as big a terrorist as the Taliban (even if he's not part of them), and he'll do anything to stay in power. Every time somebody stands up to him, he or she magically gets assassinated.

If Musharraf actually postpones the election, we all know what will happen next.

Your thoughts on this?


I hope everyone likes the light bulbs that are hung all over E-Pod. You're allowed to rip them off on Friday. Remember, if you get my light bulb and give it to me on Friday you get a small monetary prize.

And yes, I'm the horrible person who rips off other people's light bulbs and then gives them to the rightful owners.

Parents and Grades

Why are they mailing interims for sophomores and Juniors? Letting parents see inaccurate grades is never a good thing.

Yeah, my dad got the mail yesterday before I had a chance to. It says I have an F in AP US History. If you know Mrs. Masty, you know that she never updates her grades on time. I tried to tell him that but this was basically his response:

"You can say whatever you want. It won't work. You destroyed yourself and I'm not about to let you destroy my other kids."

Yeah, I'm destroying them. If I recall correctly, I wasn't allowed to get B's in elementary school because they were considered "failing." If I got anything wrong on a math test, my dad would spend hours yelling at me about how stupid I was for not knowing any math. Now, my brother who's in fifth grade never got an A in his entire academic career (I got straight A's in elementary school) and consistently gets C's in math, but he gets nothing but praise for being smart and doing well in school. Worst of all is that I help him with homework. Who helped ME with homework? NO ONE! I HAD TO LEARN EVERYTHING BY MYSELF AND I STILL DID REALLY WELL!

I was thinking about getting an updated grade sheet from Mrs. Masty but there's no point. This happens every time my parents get ahold of my interim. Everyone knows that interim grades are never accurate anyway, but parents are stupid. Because parents are stupid, they assume that whatever shows up on a grade sheet indicates how smart you are or how hard you work.

My parents are ready to disown me and I don't care. This nonsense happened before and it will happen again. Every time, most of the letters on my interim go either up or down on my report card, but they're always better grades than the interim would suggest.

I can't take it anymore. They're ready to disown me and I'm ready to leave. I only have to deal with them for another year and a half and then I'll have my diploma. After that, I'll be free.

These Men Won't Win

These guys are some of the "no-name candidates" so I won't spend much time talking about them. They don't have much chance of winning anyway. The link here is a table comparing where the candidates stand on issues.

And yes, these are my own personal opinions that sum up what I think of them because I don't have the time to do extensive research and write a biography on every candidate. You have every right to disagree with anything I say here, but defend your ideas.

Fred Thompson (R): I honestly have no idea why this guy's running. He can't memorize his lines and won't stop just to talk to his supporters. Regardless of where he stands on issues, he won't get the party nomination. He's better off going back to his acting career.

Dennis Kucinich (D): This guy has some good ideas, and he's honest. However, he's too socialistic to understand that socialism is extremely inefficient in practice. He's also for perpetuating No Child Left Behind, which was and always will be a horrible idea. He won't get the party nomination because he's too left of the spectrum and has neither adequate support nor adequate funds.

Chris Dodd (D): He's probably one of the more experienced candidates in the race. He's also bright, articulate, and a good diplomat (*). He's also a long-time senator and public servant. The reality, however, is that he doesn't stand out among his peers and doesn't really have viewpoints other than the typical liberal/Democrat. Although he may be well-prepared for the job of the presidency, I don't see him winning.

Bill Richardson (D): This guy is another stereotypical liberal/Democrat. He's a little lenient on illegal immigrants and appeals to Hispanics. Other than that, he's basically a clone of Chris Dodd.

Duncan Hunter (R): He's a moderate Republican who doesn't really stand out form his peers. He's also involved in all kinds of bribery and corruption scandals. There's not much else to say about him.

(*) I know about the parallel structure rule. I don't care unless I'm getting tested on it.

Cindy Sheehan and illegal immigration

I recently heard that Cindy Sheehan is running against Nancy Pelosi in 2008 as an independent. I don't like either of these women, but the situation doesn't surprise me at all considering how the war turned out.

If you don't know who either of these people are, look them up on Wikipedia.

I searched Cindy Sheehan on YouTube to find out more information. I saw a clip from an episode of Hardball where Chris Matthews tells her that she should know the motives of people in Congress before personally attacking them based on one issue. The video is ( ). Listen to the last two minutes.

When I heard that, the light bulb on my head turned on. The motives drive the productivity (or lack thereof, as it is now) in every branch of government. The Congressmen have reasons for voting the way they do and if you do some research on their backgrounds, you can figure out why they're doing things a certain way.

Look at immigration, for example. There's a reason for the deadlock and lack of progress in the illegal immigration debate, from both Democrats and Republicans. The big businesses own a lot of politicians and are the group that benefit the most from illegal immigration.

Think about it: the desperate Mexicans jump the border looking for work. The corporations hire them for below minimum wage to make more profits for themselves and their investors. The illegals are stuck working the same menial jobs for the rest of their lives for little pay. They can't speak any English and don't have many skills, so how do you take care of them? Be generous with the taxpayers' money and give them generous benefits that many Americans can't afford like free healthcare and education for their kids from a Hispanic perspective in the Spanish language.

There isn't much reason for us to worry about the illegal aliens taking our jobs. You don't see any illegal alien investment bankers or illegal alien astronauts. Instead, they're sweeping the floors of McDonald's or picking Granny Smith apples for shipment. If anything, they're actually helping you by reducing labor costs so the companies can supply goods you can't imagine life without at rock bottom prices.

What's the solution? There are none. If you give them amnesty followed by full benefits of American workers, there would be a surplus of labor and shortage of work. If you round them up and send them back home, we have a shortage of labor and surplus of the kind of unskilled work that people don't want to do. If you keep things the way they are, you'll have proponents from both sides bitching about what a huge problem illegal immigration is right now.

The fact is that producers are greedy and consumers are stingy. They create this whole mess by electing politicians who will act based on their own selfish interests, then complain when they can't come up with a solution that works out for everyone.

I don't see any real progress in this issue no matter who controls the government.

Videotape to DVD

I recently bought a video converter that lets me rip videotapes into my computer and convert them to MPEG-4, DVD, VCD, DivX, etc. videos that can play on most DVD players.

Videotapes were the latest and greatest thing a few decades ago, but they wear out easily and their quality is usually less than great. If you have a lot of old videotapes like I do, you probably hate how big they are and the fact that you have to rewind them after watching. They're also a hassle and wear out every time you watch them.

I've been thinking about making extra money by converting videotapes for people. I'll charge a relatively low amount for rip-and-burn but more if you want me to edit the tapes and do stuff with them.

Let me know if you're interested. I won't charge excessive amounts unless you give me really complicated orders. This is something I'm not planning on starting until after band is over when I have a lot of free time.

Oh, and I haven't decided on the price yet. Any suggestions for what a reasonable fee would be?

Not much happening today

This is one of those rare moments when there's absolutely nothing going on. Today is supposed to be International Peace Day, but who besides Dr. Giersch's music students actually knew that?

OK, it's not that there's nothing happening. It's just that the things that are happening are so few and meaningless that most people just don't care anymore. To give you an idea, here are some of the most ridiculous things I picked up from the news in the last few days...

1. In a recent press conference, President Bush was asked whether he would help or hurt his fellow Republicans' chances of winning in the next election. He said he would be a valuable asset. He also said Nelson Mandela is dead.

2. The SCHIP program (which I and many of you are using) is up for renewal and a bipartisan coalition is trying to extend coverage to millions of uninsured children. The president has vowed to veto legislation to renew the program calling it an attempted political victory by the Democrats because they waited until the program is just about to expire to renew it. Yes, he's blaming the Democrats for putting kids' lives on the line by not renewing the program until it was up for renewal so he's vetoing the legislation to.... Wait a minute. What?

3. The approval rating for the president is hovering around 29%. If you think that's bad, Congress is at 11%. I think we all know why.

4. O.J. is in trouble with the law once again. If he went to jail like he was supposed to over a decade ago, we wouldn't have to hear about this now. As before, the news will make a ton of hype over nothing and he'll get away with being a criminal. The press will forget about him and he'll write another book. Repeat.

5. Britney's agent dropped her. But the good news is that Britney's performance at the VMA is getting better and better. She's way past due for a suicide. So are Paris Hilton, Kevin Federline, and Lindsey Lohan.

6. You all know about the Jena 6 story, so I don't need to explain it.

7. The ACLU is trying to defend Senator Larry Craig. Yes, the same ACLU that Craig has been fighting for years is now trying to save his ass from liberal organizations like the ACLU who have been trying to get rid of him. Go figure.

8. Alan Greenspan took several lashes at President Bush including the Iraq war, the economy, and financial stability. I wonder what the Bush Administration has to say about all of this.

As you can see, the country is pretty screwed up right now. Any thoughts?


"Conservatism is a type of political group that is aimed at preserving tradition and the old way of life. Central to conservative beliefs are the ideas of authority, tradition, the idea of society as organic (that it evolved into being instead of being created by people) and the notion that political thought is dangerous because humans do not have the intellectual capacity to dream up good ideas about how to construct a new society."

"The original Neocons were liberal intellectuals who grew disenchanted with what they saw as the American left's social excesses and reluctance to spend adequately on defense. By the 1980's, most Neocons had become Republicans, finding in Reagan an avenue for their aggressive approach of confronting the Soviet Union with bold rhetoric and steep hikes in military spending. After the Soviet Union's fall, the Neocons decried what they saw as American complacency. In the 1990's, they warned of the dangers of reducing both America's defense spending and its role in the world.

Unlike their predecessors, most younger Neocons never experienced being left of center. They've always been "Reagan" Republicans."

Why is it "NeoCONSERVATISM" and not something else? Unlike classical Conservatives, these guys are hell bent on imposing their will upon the developing world. They also support police states and the notion of executive privilege. But wait... I thought they wanted to protect Democracy, not take it away from themselves.

Conservatives would like to keep the things the way they are as much as possible. They support lower taxes, free enterprise, and non-interventionist policies. I agree with these ideals, but the Neocons have degraded the Conservative ideals to the point of belligerent jingoism that ultimately hurts our image among the countries that we have liberated or expect to do so in the coming years. Where are our allies? Where is the American Dream? Why are we trying to install puppet democratic governments in hostile territory while we slowly take freedom away here at home?

And what's the deal with all of them idolizing Reagan to the point where he is the next Jesus? If it weren't for the MEDIA and REVISIONIST HISTORIANS, we would have been able to see the Reagan Administration for what it was and not what it seemed to be. Then again, facts are very stupid things and trees cause more pollution than cars.

You can have a free market enterprise as long as you don't have some companies gaining too much power over others to the point where they're almost monopolies. Such was the case with Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel over a hundred years ago, so they had to be taken down. In the 1980's when Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Microsoft, and News Corp were aspiring to such heights, what did the government do about it? Reaganomics just made the situation even worse by letting these corporations know it's okay to lower the standards of quality and service of their respective industries in exchange for one-sided propaganda, fatty foods, digital monopolies, and ridiculously low prices at all costs.

Reaganomics also brought about the unholy alliance between the FDA, Big Pharma, and Big Insurance. Because of their cooperation, we have misleading ads all over the television, unreasonably high healthcare prices, and the notion that everybody in the universe has some deadly disease for which he/she needs to take a pill every day for all eternity or else horrible things are to follow.

Minnesota Bridge Collapse

$250 million. That's how much Congress gave to rebuild the bridge. It's enough to repair the bridge, but will it prevent such tragedies from happening in the future?

Of course not! This collapse is the perfect example of the politicians and bureaucrats that we elect into power getting things wrong. Again.

This happened before, and as all preceding tragedies, this one, once again, is a tragedy. Eventually people will forget about it and nothing will ever change. Then another tragedy will happen. People will forget that, too. This bridge collapse is just another statistic.

Remember Katrina? We all knew it was coming and how bad it would be, but the powers that be (including Big Brother over in Homeland Security) neglected all these warnings and garnished the levee repair funds in order to indulge themselves the rewards of the millions of civilians for doing such praiseworthy service to the general good. Almost two years later, Bush is still the unimpeachable president due to his so-called "executive privilege," Chertoff is still Homeland Security guru with his "gut feelings" of terrorist attacks that will never happen, and Nagin's sorry ass being re-elected to ensure another four more years of violent crime and lack of accountability.

So what did the big powers do to supplement their "heck of a job?" They just stuck those victims they hurt into toxic tin cans. Trailer trash to the max.

They couldn't help us with Katrina. They couldn't fund defective bridges. They refuse to budge knowing that the melting glaciers could engulf every low-lying coastal area in the world. Who the fuck did we elect to represent in such lofty positions in our social hierarchy?

The politicians deserve plenty of blame, but let's not forget who put them into power. When thousands of young men who were just about to start their independent lives, they were sent off to Vietnam for a seemingly noble cause, only to find them back in America, all dead in vain in a useless war that did more harm than good. The young men who refused to go faced legal penalties. Following this tragedy, there was an enormous public outcry. The politicians had failed and the people courageously fought back. As a result, the young men remaining in Vietnam were pulled out before things got any worse.

Now we have Iraq, the second in a series of unwinnable wars in the name of national security. Like Vietnam, we can't win and all of our soldiers are dying in vain. What has the public done about it? Aside from electing people in Congress who have made little progress and the protests that nobody listens to, nothing. Remember, these politicians only have as much power as the voters who elect them into office.

Our freedom is being taken every moment of our lives because of misnomers like the Patriot Act and the allowing of domestic spies in the name of personal security. If a majority of the people actually cared about any of this, we wouldn't have more votes for the next American Idol than any president ever received in the history of the United States.

And don't give me any of your "you are un-American" crap. If you think you truly are free, and you receive full protection under the law as a United States citizen, think about this: if the government decided to raid your house and put you into a place like Gitmo in the name of national security, and asking for any evidence against you would result in you and your supporters being beaten half to death until you confess to crimes you did not commit, all in the name of national security, what will you do? The Bill of Rights does not exist. The Geneva Convention is optional. Habeus Corpus is a myth.

Wake up, America. You let this happen, so it's about time you wise up and start thinking for yourself. No more flowery scenarios predicted by Clinton and Obama if you elect them into the White House. No more of Giuliani's lies. No more executive privilege. It's long past time for you to speak up and face reality. Start now before the entire world turns into a police state where Eurasia is always at war against Eastasia.

"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic."
Think about that for a moment.


Dear everybody,

STOP SENDING ME FACEBOOK APPS. It's absolutely ridiculous how many apps there are and more are being created every day. Do we really need 15 million widgets or three extra walls? How many of us actually care about horoscopes? Trakzor only works if those people have it installed. Why even bother with iLike? Do we really need to know every little thing that everyone else is doing? NO!

Nevertheless, people are completely obsessed with this crap and I am sick of it. I'm not sending anybody any more invitations and I ask that you don't either.

Do we really need another Myspace?

Yuwie scam

Use that to register if you're interested.

It's a social networking site that pays you to use it. Tom Anderson (the Myspace Tom) makes over $20 million a month in advertising through his site. Facebook is estimated to be worth about $16 billion. The idea is that the people who made Yuwie want to share some of their revenues with the people who use their site.

Yuwie spammers are all over Facebook so I finally clicked a link and made an account. I also invited two people. It says in my account info that I made 35 cents last month when all I did was set up my profile and invite two people.

It's a promising and revolutionary idea that nobody has tried before. The site started up a few months ago and they only have about 280,000 members. They have 1500-2000 new members every day.

If you sign up right now you shouldn't expect to make any money. However, in a few years Yuwie could grow big enough to compete with Myspace and Facebook.

No, it's not a pyramid scam because they don't force you to subscribe to anything or demand any kind of payment from you. Basically, you get paid based on how active you are (visiting people's profiles, looking at people's pictures, commenting people, etc.).

Then again, I don't make any money off of it, so I guess it IS a scam. Oh well.

Why procrastinating pays off

A lot of times, it's the guy who puts everything off until the last minute that ends up doing the best job on the project. Why? If you spent only five hours the night before on a project that was assigned three weeks ago, you deserve to get a worse grade than somebody who spent long hours every night since the project was assigned. Instead, you got a 93 and your hardworking friend got an 88. This is unfair... or is it?

In reality, procrastination is a talent that is quite difficult to master, and is never a guaranteed success. Students who procrastinate are able to devise an acceptable final product fulfilling all the requirements in the shortest possible time, which makes them extremely efficient in doing projects. Meanwhile, the diligent hard worker often spends long hours and wastes a considerable amount of energy working through every meticulous detail, paying little attention to the natural harmony of things.

As a result of this efficiency, the procrastinators are able to effectively overschedule and cram while still keeping their grades up.

And no, this is true not because the procrastinators are usually really smart and spend a lot of time studying. You have to look at why they're smart, how they study, etc. Generally speaking, they have tighter schedules, more work, and more free time. How is this even possible?

Think about it.

Women and Religion

I've been wondering something:

If most traditional religious practices tend to treat women as inferior to women, why are women so good to religion?

I don't agree that women are inferior to men, nor do I condone most of the practices of any religious doctrine, but I asked several girls about this and none of them had a good answer to this question. So I wrote this note and tagged a diverse group of females to see what they have to say about this.

I have some ideas of my own, but I would like to know what you all think.

Soldiers breed terrorists

We send soldiers to Iraqistan. Iraqistan is a breeding ground for terrorists. If we don't pull out our young men right now, Iraqistan will never stop giving birth to terrorists. Enough said.

2006-2007 School Year

Like every other year, a lot of stuff has happened. For some weird reason, the year feels like it has gone way too fast. It feels as if last September was only a week ago, and everything was mushed into only a few days. I'm done my sophomore year, but I don't feel done. I was doing more and more stuff and then finally... nothing. That's it?

Yeah, apparently it's over. On the other hand, the summer doesn't feel like summer. I have summer assignments, work, band, and AP/SAT review among other things. It still feels like part of the school year. Next year is even worse, and then next summer will be somewhat of a repeat of this summer. It's like I have school all year.

Anybody else feel the same way?


One of the greatest beneficiaries of the American Dream was Albert Einstein, who helped the allied forces win World War II. Even though his genius basically gave him a free ride to do whatever he wanted, he insisted that he go through the immigration process and be treated like any other foreign immigrant in the United States.

Unfortunately, you don't see this kind of behavior anymore. Instead, those who come to this country illegally get a free ride to citizenship, while those who came legally have to wait longer in line to get their turn. Does this make any sense to you?

No? Too bad! This is the kind of sheer hypocrisy that the president and members from both houses of Congress have agreed to. We already know how easy it is to cross the border, get a job and a home, and get free healthcare and other social services at the expense of AMERICAN TAXPAYERS! Now they want to take this one step further by giving them a free ride to citizenship.

Did I mention they get free college?

Yesterday afternoon, President Bush made a statement on the ideal. He said, "The agreement reached today is one that will help enforce our borders, but equally importantly, it will treat people with respect. This is a bill where people who live here in our country will be treated without amnesty but without animosity."

Of course it's amnesty! They announced that over 12 million people that are illegally in this country will be rewarded with permanent residency and eventual citizenship because they broke the law by ILLEGALLY CROSSING THE BORDER.

History repeats itself, and this is no exception. Remember the last amnesty plan set in place 21 years ago? The effect of that was the biggest wave of illegal immigration that we have seen in the history of the country. And for somebody to think that anyone can just build a wall tall enough while giving millions of illegals reward just for being here illegally is just absurd.

All they're doing with this announcement is encouraging even more illegal immigration than anything that has ever been done in this country. Sadly, we are going to see the impact on the border and in our neighborhoods.

While all of this goes on, legal immigrants like me have to wait in line years longer to get their citizenship. "Sorry you can't become a citizen. Maybe you should have jumped the border illegally. That would put you in a much better spot."

The president said that the legislation would require these illegals to "learn English." Yeah, we all got lost in a city before and pulled over to a guy on the street and asked for directions. We were greeted with a "NO ENGLISH NO ENGLISH." If they can learn two words, they can learn to speak in complete sentences. Does the government want them to learn English? If they did, we wouldn't have to press 1 on the dial tone for English and bilingual legal documents would cease to exist. We don't even have to vote in English if we don't want to!

After 9/11, there has been a push to protect our borders and tighten our security so we won't have another major catastrophe like that one. End result is you're a terrorist if you're on an airplane with a water bottle and some shaving creme, but America's legs are open to thousands of border jumpers every day.

All we'll see is another mass exodus of impoverished bums from Mexico. Yeah, like we don't have enough of THAT already. And here's the worst part: if they're citizens, they'll be able to VOTE. By voting, they'll just bring this country lower and lower.

If we want to see a national policy of cultural corruption, we will have millions of people being rewarded in front of the entire world. But most important, in front of our children just because we were too lazy to do the right thing, and that is crack down on illegal immigration and the employers who are profiteering from it.

Neither the true patriots nor the legal immigrants support hypocrisy to this degree, and neither should you.


HPV is a deadly sexually transmitted virus that can kill millions of women by giving them cervical cancer.

Or is it?

I asked a lot of Merck employees and other advocates of Gardasil about exactly how the HPV causes cancer. Their answers are somewhere along the lines of "Well, there are many factors that can lead to cervical cancer, and HPV is just one of the things involved." Ask them if there is any evidence at all that the vaccine will significantly reduce incidence of cervical cancer. Guess what? There isn't.

Just because they did a couple of studies where they found that most of the women who had cervical cancer had a certain virus in them. From that, they concluded that the virus causes cervical cancer.

One thing that's strongly emphasized in Statistics class is that correlation does not prove causation. That means just because you find a bunch of women with cervical cancer who have HPV, you can't prove that the two have anything to do with each other.

As with everything else, it's all about the money. If you mandate vaccination for all teenage girls, think about how much money Merck would make. They're paying everybody off to promote the vaccine in the media and the medical community. They also have lobbyists giving politicians special favors to make it mandatory. Look at how the governor of Texas handled the situation and tell me he's not corrupt.

The vaccine is only expected to last about 15 years, and even that's debatable. Let's say that a 12 year old girl gets vaccinated. It stops working when she's 27, and she still doesn't have cervical cancer. 15 more years later, she's 42. She finally has cervical cancer. By then, the vaccine will already be obsolete. So what was the point of all of that?

Remember VIOXX? Basically, Merck pushed for speedy approval by the FDA and promoted it heavily t the gullible masses. Any criticism was crushed and ridiculed. Do I need to remind you how that turned out?

This is basically another one of the dirty tricks by Big Pharma. They can only get away with these things in the United States of America. They charge overinflated prices for things that you can get ten times cheaper importing from Canada. Pathetic.

Basically, Gardasil will go down like VIOXX. Except this time, it'll take a couple decades because middle-aged women get cervical cancer, not 12 year old girls.

Nigger culture

The Culture of ‘Bitches, Hos, and Niggas’

By Michelle Malkin

Let's stipulate: I have no love for Don Imus, Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. A pox on all their race-baiting houses.

Let's also stipulate: The Rutgers women's basketball team didn't deserve to be disrespected as "nappy-headed hos." No woman deserves that. I agree with the athletes that Imus's misogynist mockery was "deplorable, despicable and unconscionable." And as I noted on Fox News's "O'Reilly Factor" this week, I believe top public officials and journalists who have appeared on Imus's show should take responsibility for enabling Imus — and should disavow his longstanding invective.

But let's take a breath now and look around. Is the Sharpton & Jackson Circus truly committed to cleaning up cultural pollution that demeans women and perpetuates racial epithets? Have you seen the Billboard Hot Rap Tracks chart this week?

The No. 1 rap track is by a new sensation who goes by the name of "Mims." The "song" is "This Is Why I'm Hot." It has topped the charts for the last 15 weeks. Here's a taste of the lyrics that young men and women are cranking up in their cars:

This is why I'm hot
Catch me on the block
Every other day
Another bitch another drop
16 bars, 24 pop
44 songs, nigga gimme what you got . . .
. . . We into big spinners
See my pimping never dragged
Find me wit' different women that you niggas never had
For those who say they know me know I'm focused on ma cream
Player you come between you'd better focus on the beam
I keep it so mean the way you see me lean
And when I say I'm hot my nigga dis is what I mean

Let's move down the Billboard list, shall we? The No. 2 rap track in the nation this week is by rappers Bow Wow and R. Kelly (yes, the same R. Kelly who was indicted five years ago on a raft of child-porn charges and is still awaiting trial). The "song" is called "I'm a Flirt," and it's been on the charts for 12 weeks:

Ima b pimpin
I don't be slippin
When it come down to these hos
I don't love em
We don't cuff em
Man that's just the way it goes
I pull up in the Phantom
All the ladies think handsome
Jewelry shining, I stay stuntin'
That's why these niggas can't stand em
Ima chick mag-a-net
And anything fine I'm bag-gin it
And if she got a man, I don't care
10 toes and I wanna be, cause I gotta have it

The final line:

Now the moral of the story is cuff yo chick, 'cause hey,
I'm black, fresh, and I rap, plus I'm rich, and I'm a flirt.

Al Sharpton, I am sure, is ready to call a press conference with the National Organization for Women to jointly protest this garbage and the radio stations and big pimpin' music companies behind it.

Or perhaps the New Civility Squad is not convinced yet that the Billboard chart toppers I've highlighted are representative? Let's proceed to No. 3 on the Billboard rap charts this week (and on the charts for the past 13 weeks): "Go Getta" by a rapper named "Young Jeezy" with a special appearance by R. Kelly (again!). Here's the "chorus":

You know we trap all day
Play all night
Dis Is Da Life Of A Go Getta (Ey) Go Getta (Ey) Go Getta (Yea)
U In Da Club
U C A Bad Bitch
Point Her Out (Oh)
Yea U Damn Right Ima (Ey)
You Damn Right Ima Go Getta (Ey) Go Getta (Ey) Go Getta (Yea)

The No. 4 song on the Billboard Rap Tracks charts is "Throw Some D's" by "Rich Boy featuring Polow Da Don." (It's been on the charts for 18 weeks.) Here's the chorus:

Rich Boy sellin' crack
F—k niggas wanna jack
Sh-t tight no slack
Just bought a Cadillac (Throw some D's on that bitch!)
Just bought a Cadillac (Throw some D's on that bitch!)
Just bought a Cadillac

The lyrical rap poet known as "Unk" has the No. 5 spot with "2 Step." On the charts for nine weeks, here's a taste of his dope rhyme:

I See You Got It Right
Beat My Wrist Ice
Colder Than A Bud Light
Now I'm a Take My Time
Where The Gangsters At
And You Can Still Post The Wall Nigga Holla Back
Grey Goose And Yak
Blunt Filled With Kush
I'm Getting Jiggy With It
Smoking On That George Bush

And at No. 6 is "Rock Your Hips" by "Crime Mob." Here's the non-obscene part:

She rock her hips
She rock her hips
I like that way
She rock her hips
She rock her hips
I like the way
She rock her hips

But you can't have a hit without the n-word, of course:

Now I got 32 flavors of that bootylicious bubblegum
Raspberry, grape, cherry,
Come and get this honey bun
Yummy-yum baby, not your ordinary lady
Known to drive the niggas crazy

One dumb radio/television shock jock's insult is a drop in the ocean of barbaric filth and anti-female hatred on the radio.

Imus gets a two-week suspension. What kind of relief do we get from this deadening, coarsening, dehumanizing barrage from young, black rappers and their music industry enablers who have helped turn America into Tourette's Nation?


Despite the fact that he and I share a nationality (well, he's only half Bengali), I want to see him keep humiliating himself on national television with his obnoxious mouth that can't even sing anymore. That girl was an obvious plant.

The only reason people still vote for him is because it would be funny to see him win. American Idol already lost its firepower, and it's obvious that the show is just another one of those reality shows that make big bucks by humiliating people on television.

If you don't believe me, just look at how much time they spend showing you all the bad singers. They even released a DVD showing the worst of the worst auditions! if they cared more about good singers than about getting high ratings, they wouldn't even show so many of the bad ones!

You know what, America? Keep watching American Idol and voting for vocal nightmares like Sanjaya. At this point, I just want to see him win and expose the show for the joke that it is.

Hell explained by a Chemistry student

The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid term.

The answer, by one student, was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well:

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic
(absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:

1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, "It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you," and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct......leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting "Oh my God."


New breakthrough in the Monica Lewinsky scandal! Just released now!

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has just revealed that he was having an extramarital affair while President Clinton's impeachment hearings were going on. Way to go, Newt. While the Clinton impeachment was keeping you busy, you were getting busy with a mistress of your own.

I wonder what the Republicans have to say about this? Probably nothing, as usual. They get all excited whenever the awful, God-hating, socialism-loving liberals do something wrong. On the other hand, their kind can do whatever they want without any repercussions. Does that sound fair to you?

Maybe that's why he's still appearing for commentaries.

And remember folks: practice what you preach.

Anna Nicole Smith, death and paternity and all

Dannielynn Smith...

I think all the potential fathers of Anna Nicole Smith's baby should get together on the Maury show and have a DNA test. That would solve everything. The trial would go a lot smoother if they actually did a paternity test to figure out who's the father instead of arguing about it on national television. I'm absolutely confident that Maury Povich can solve this issue better than anyone.

So who are the candidates?

1. Larry Birkhead

Could Larry be the father? I don't know, but this is what Wikipedia had to say about it:
Birkhead was Smith's ex-boyfriend and is a freelance entertainment reporter/photographer in Los Angeles, California.When the question came up, Birkhead denied receiving money for media interviews, though he has received royalties for archived pictures he took of Smith.

According to Birkhead on February 21, 2007 while on the stand, he and Smith lived together from August 2004 to April 2005 – and in January 2005 Smith told him she was pregnant, but a month later lost the baby. Smith's former friend Laurie Payne in sealed court documents filed November 2, 2006, said Smith was pregnant with another one of Birkhead's children before Dannielynn, but she miscarried.

He took pictures of a whore and got royalties from him. And he fathered a miscarriage. Does that make him the father? Hell no! I just can't picture why Larry would have sex with something so disgusting. But whatever. I wonder who's next?

2. Howard Stern

Howard was her lawyer and his name was on the girl's birth certificate. That sounds like proof to me. So why isn't it? By the way, Anna Nicole's relationship with a world-famous talk radio star didn't exactly improve her "gold digger" label.

3. Mark Hatten
EWWWWWWWW!!!! Is this the most disgusting picture or what? I quote Wikipedia again:

Hatten was another of Smith's former boyfriend of two years. He is serving a seven year eight month sentence in Pleasant Valley State Prison for making terrorist threats to Smith and was up for parole on December 24, 2007. Hatten's sister Jackie confirmed that Hatten gave Smith a sperm donation the time they dated prior to his incarceration. Hatten has also corresponded from prison about Smith with her mother, the entertainment news show Extra, and the online tabloid magazine signing his letters Mark "Hollywood" Hatten. In his November 2006 correspondence with Extra, Hatten vowed that he would officially drop the Marshall v. Marshall case because it had "ruined the lives" of Smith and her son. Hatten also claimed in his correspondence to Extra and that Smith miscarried two of his children in 2000 and 2001.

He has also came forward to claim paternity of the baby. Other sources: Hatten's sister also said that her brother cannot be believed. Hatten's attorney Paul Fegen told Extra they plan to file a paternity claim.


Wow. Just how promiscuous is this woman? And why didn't she die from STD's instead? She must've had at least 20 of them.

4. Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt

Prince Frederick is Zsa Zsa Gabor's ninth (and longest-lasting) husband. He supposedly had an affair with Anna Nicole for a few years, so he could potentially be the father of her baby. Is this guy for real? I mean, I think that if I was married to a 90 year old miss congeniality, I would also cheat on her and routinely have sex with someone who isn't even half as fossilized as she is. But come on! Anna Nicole Smith? ANNA NICOLE SMITH!? Why, when his brother Marcus Prinz von Anhalt (actually, he's not his brother; he just bought the surname from him so he could profit from the fame) even runs a brothel? If he gave his name to his "brother," then he should have unlimited access to his brother's whores. Am I right, or am I right?

Somehow, he got people to believe (well, except me...) that he had a relationship with Anna Nicole Smith and fathered her baby Dannielynn. He supposedly also took three lie detector tests on the subject and passed all of them. Lie detector tests are bullshit and everyone knows that. Somebody should tell Penn & Teller to make an episode about how easy it is to cheat the lie detector test. Hey Penn! LIE DETECTOR TESTS ARE BULLSHIT! I hope Penn Jillette actually reads this and follows my advice. But anyway, that statement also came from Prince Frederick's lawyer. Lawyer is synonymous with liar. Lawyers get paid to lie. Plain and simple.

He's not the father. Moving on.

5. Alexander Denk

Is this the guy? I don't even know anymore. If there's no picture on Wikipedia, I'm totally lost. Anna's Austrian actor of a bodyguard also had a lot of sex with her. He said Anna wanted to have a baby with him. How many babies did Anna Nicole Smith want to have anyway? This is just plain ridiculous.

You know what? I give up. I'm not writing anymore. I'm sick of hearing about Anna. I'm glad she's dead. Now can we PLEASE have this DNA test released and get it over with?

My Hello World

I don't really know why I didn't start a blog sooner, but here it is. I actually made this blog years ago and deleted/undeleted it many times. I guess now is a good time as any to start writing.
My name is Mujtahidul Haque. People just call me "Moose" because it's easier to say. I was born on May 30, 1992 in a small village in southwestern​ Bangladesh. I came to the United States as an immigrant in 1996 and have lived here ever since then. I speak fluent Bengali and English, and I enjoy interacting with people from all over the world.

This blog is mostly going to be about politics and various international issues, so I won't include much else about myself. In the next few weeks I'll mix in some of my own background information along with my regular articles. Just look in the "about me" tag and you'll find them.

Anyway, the next thing you'll see me write will give you a pretty good idea about my political views.