Despite the fact that he and I share a nationality (well, he's only half Bengali), I want to see him keep humiliating himself on national television with his obnoxious mouth that can't even sing anymore. That girl was an obvious plant.

The only reason people still vote for him is because it would be funny to see him win. American Idol already lost its firepower, and it's obvious that the show is just another one of those reality shows that make big bucks by humiliating people on television.

If you don't believe me, just look at how much time they spend showing you all the bad singers. They even released a DVD showing the worst of the worst auditions! if they cared more about good singers than about getting high ratings, they wouldn't even show so many of the bad ones!

You know what, America? Keep watching American Idol and voting for vocal nightmares like Sanjaya. At this point, I just want to see him win and expose the show for the joke that it is.