These guys are some of the "no-name candidates" so I won't spend much time talking about them. They don't have much chance of winning anyway. The link here is a table comparing where the candidates stand on issues.

And yes, these are my own personal opinions that sum up what I think of them because I don't have the time to do extensive research and write a biography on every candidate. You have every right to disagree with anything I say here, but defend your ideas.

Fred Thompson (R): I honestly have no idea why this guy's running. He can't memorize his lines and won't stop just to talk to his supporters. Regardless of where he stands on issues, he won't get the party nomination. He's better off going back to his acting career.

Dennis Kucinich (D): This guy has some good ideas, and he's honest. However, he's too socialistic to understand that socialism is extremely inefficient in practice. He's also for perpetuating No Child Left Behind, which was and always will be a horrible idea. He won't get the party nomination because he's too left of the spectrum and has neither adequate support nor adequate funds.

Chris Dodd (D): He's probably one of the more experienced candidates in the race. He's also bright, articulate, and a good diplomat (*). He's also a long-time senator and public servant. The reality, however, is that he doesn't stand out among his peers and doesn't really have viewpoints other than the typical liberal/Democrat. Although he may be well-prepared for the job of the presidency, I don't see him winning.

Bill Richardson (D): This guy is another stereotypical liberal/Democrat. He's a little lenient on illegal immigrants and appeals to Hispanics. Other than that, he's basically a clone of Chris Dodd.

Duncan Hunter (R): He's a moderate Republican who doesn't really stand out form his peers. He's also involved in all kinds of bribery and corruption scandals. There's not much else to say about him.

(*) I know about the parallel structure rule. I don't care unless I'm getting tested on it.