"Conservatism is a type of political group that is aimed at preserving tradition and the old way of life. Central to conservative beliefs are the ideas of authority, tradition, the idea of society as organic (that it evolved into being instead of being created by people) and the notion that political thought is dangerous because humans do not have the intellectual capacity to dream up good ideas about how to construct a new society."

"The original Neocons were liberal intellectuals who grew disenchanted with what they saw as the American left's social excesses and reluctance to spend adequately on defense. By the 1980's, most Neocons had become Republicans, finding in Reagan an avenue for their aggressive approach of confronting the Soviet Union with bold rhetoric and steep hikes in military spending. After the Soviet Union's fall, the Neocons decried what they saw as American complacency. In the 1990's, they warned of the dangers of reducing both America's defense spending and its role in the world.

Unlike their predecessors, most younger Neocons never experienced being left of center. They've always been "Reagan" Republicans."

Why is it "NeoCONSERVATISM" and not something else? Unlike classical Conservatives, these guys are hell bent on imposing their will upon the developing world. They also support police states and the notion of executive privilege. But wait... I thought they wanted to protect Democracy, not take it away from themselves.

Conservatives would like to keep the things the way they are as much as possible. They support lower taxes, free enterprise, and non-interventionist policies. I agree with these ideals, but the Neocons have degraded the Conservative ideals to the point of belligerent jingoism that ultimately hurts our image among the countries that we have liberated or expect to do so in the coming years. Where are our allies? Where is the American Dream? Why are we trying to install puppet democratic governments in hostile territory while we slowly take freedom away here at home?

And what's the deal with all of them idolizing Reagan to the point where he is the next Jesus? If it weren't for the MEDIA and REVISIONIST HISTORIANS, we would have been able to see the Reagan Administration for what it was and not what it seemed to be. Then again, facts are very stupid things and trees cause more pollution than cars.

You can have a free market enterprise as long as you don't have some companies gaining too much power over others to the point where they're almost monopolies. Such was the case with Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel over a hundred years ago, so they had to be taken down. In the 1980's when Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Microsoft, and News Corp were aspiring to such heights, what did the government do about it? Reaganomics just made the situation even worse by letting these corporations know it's okay to lower the standards of quality and service of their respective industries in exchange for one-sided propaganda, fatty foods, digital monopolies, and ridiculously low prices at all costs.

Reaganomics also brought about the unholy alliance between the FDA, Big Pharma, and Big Insurance. Because of their cooperation, we have misleading ads all over the television, unreasonably high healthcare prices, and the notion that everybody in the universe has some deadly disease for which he/she needs to take a pill every day for all eternity or else horrible things are to follow.