John Edwards the populist candidate for President. You might remember him from 2004. If you don't, you're clueless about politics.

Anyway, I have no idea why this guy is still running for president. He'd make a good senator or somebody who sticks up for the little guy, but not President. He has almost no experience and nothing to run on except that the rich are oppressing the poor. The rich ALWAYS oppress the poor. That's just life.

Besides that, he has nothing else going for him. NOTHING. His stance on issues don't stand out from a typical Democrat. He's a trial lawyer. He has almost no political experience. He had the worst attendance record in the Senate in recent history. Worst of all, he sticks up for the poor people. That doesn't sound like a bad thing if you don't see how he lives. He recently built a huge million dollar mansion in Florida as his vacation home. Also, who in the right mind would get a $300 haircut, anyway? My hair doesn't look as good as his but I could get the same look at a local barber shop for less than $30. Without depleting my campaign funds.

Practice what you preach, Johnny boy. You always whine about how the rich live lavish lives while taking away precious resources for poor people, but you're doing the exact same thing.

The only reason the Democrats keep him is because he's a Liberal Democrat from the old South. The South has gone Republican ever since Strom Thurmond ran for president (a shameful moment in American history) and they need all the votes they can get. He's just there to get the rural poor to vote Democratic. He himself won't win the presidency.

BTW, John Kerry endorsed Obama. That means Edwards definetly won't win. Back in 2004 Edwards had the same purpose he does now: to get more votes from the rural poor, which wasn't enough to earn him a spot in the White House.