IOWA: Democrats
It was a three-way tie between the top three candidates. No surprise there. John Edwards got the rural vote (I said why in the last Note). Obama got the Not Hillary votes. Hillary got the rest. The others didn't really get anything.

IOWA: Republicans
Huckabee won for some of the same reasons why Edwards won, but with a Bible Belt twist. Romney campaigned obsessively and still got second place. Take that, Rudy.

WYOMING: Republicans
Romney won, but who really cares? In fact, what was the point of this?

Hillary won because she turned all emotional after losing Iowa so she brought her husband. She won because people still think she represents them and not the establishment.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Republicans
It's always more interesting on the Republican side. This primary was proof that they don't have a clear frontrunner. I have no idea why McCain won. Romney was disappointed AGAIN, but who cares? Giuliani beat Ron Paul but what difference does that make? Fred Thompson got some ground but he won't hold out much longer. Why the fuck is FOX trying to censor Ron Paul? That'll just gain him more supporters.

MICHIGAN: Both parties
Pointless and won't affect the general outcome.

NEVADA: Democrats
It appears that Obama has a lot of support among casino workers. I wonder if that means anything. Hillary won again, but just about everyone who didn't vote for her hates her guts. Edwards is losing ground. Bill Richardson would have done well in this state.

NEVADA: Republicans
Romney won because he's a Mormon, but the win won't mean anything in non-Mormon states. Ron Paul got second so he must be gaining a lot of ground. His supporters are becoming even more rabid.

McCain and Huckabee are involved in a fierce battle similar to the one in 2000 with McCain and then Governor Bush. This time, it's less nasty and McCain seems to be winning.

Biden had a lot of integrity and experience. Looking back, I think he would have done better if he stayed for a few more primaries. He has more experience in foreign policy than any of the other candidates and can bring Democrats and Republicans together. I don't understand why he quit so soon.

He was really scary. His voice was too harsh and neck fat bounced when he talked, so he always creeped me out.

Why is he still in the race? He won't ever come out from last place because all of his potential supporters are with Ron Paul.

He won't have much better luck.

I'm not sure if he even exists anymore...

Like Biden, he also has a lot of integrity and experience. He would also have done better if he stayed. I would expect him to get a third place in Nevada.